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Friday, December 18, 2009 . 3:16 AM

If there is a constant in life, that would be change.

Let's see what have changed since September. Only three months and I have:

1) Ran 2 10km runs and registered for a half marathon in May 2010
2) Failed driving exams twice and registered for a third try in Feb 2010
3) Gone to Korea & KL and is planning a trip to Bangkok in Jan 2010
4) Got the iPhone and retired the barely 1-year-old Samsung Omnia (sorry!)
5) Watched the trendy drama You're Beautiful and is hooked on Hwang Tae Kyung (Hyung-nim!)

It's almost Christmas now, which really means that the year is almost over.


Where the hell did all the time go? I didn't spend it all sleeping, did I?

For some, I guess they had a real rough year. They started out with one status and now, that status had completely done a 180-degrees. Life's like that, it makes you think that it's going one way, then whacks you in the face with a completely unexpected turn.

I started this year attending weddings and will be ending the year planning for a wedding.

Not mine, of course. Life hasn't changed that drastically yet.

For now, I am contented to wake up everyday to my realities of work, friends and healthy activities. Busy busy busy, but if you're enjoying the buzz, it's all good.

Sunday, September 06, 2009 . 5:58 PM

It's been months since my previous entry and I have to eat my words about the drama City Hall. It is astounding good and I was drawn in by both Cha and Kim's amazing chemistry. Too bad he's married cos they set the screen on fire!

Anyway, much has happened since April, like I've gone holidaying in Tokyo a month ago (amazing place, I want to go back again) and has just booked a trip to Seoul in October with Mom.

As usual, been spending too much money and not saving enough.

And... the date for practical driving test is approaching too fast. In about 10 days, I would take the test that, should I pass, I would be unleashed on the roads and inflicted upon other unsuspecting drivers. Scary thought, ain't it? I should have confidence that I would do well, but all my driving lessons so far hasn't convinced me that I'm ready for the big test. I know I am an extremely sucky driver, my reaction is slow, I'm a blind bat and I tend to be reckless. But I have been trying!

In 3 more lessons, I should improve by leaps and bounds - well, I better!

End of the year is coming, and other than Christmas and holiday and bonuses, I have 2other events to look forward to. Actually, not so much as looking forward as dreading them. I have signed up for the Great Eastern Women's 10km Run and Standard Chartered 10km Run at Elsie's... encouragement. I hope I survive the mini-mini marathons.

We've been practicising in the gym for a month plus. My stamina has improved and so have my weight. By improving my weight, I mean that it has increased. I am naturally worried by the weight gain, which means that I have to DIET!!! But like I have been telling my gym-mates, nowadays, the only thing that gets my heart racing is the treadmill...

Hoping that would change in the [near] future!

Friday, April 17, 2009 . 9:13 AM

Be careful what you write online (yes, even anonymously) because it might come back to bite you on the butt.

I'm not speaking from experience, but as a conspiracy theorist, I have to consider that angle before I put fingers to keyboard and post anything potentially damaging online.

Anyway, the subject that motivated me to blog today is this guy:

Cha Seung-Won.

Ok, I know the type of men most likely to get me drooling is pretty boys. Manly man like these ain't my kind of tea. So what's up with the Cha guy, you ask. Well... yours truly just so happened to have interviewed him 7 years ago when he was in town to promote a movie!

And yes, he is tall. Dark. Chiseled (his jaw and features, I mean). Definitely falls into the category of hunky-dory. But I think he was already married then. When I interviewed him, I didn't think he was that bigshot and it was like a one-on-one interview. I can't remember much, but I either interviewed him alone or with one other media at Goodwood Park.

It was my first and only press conference and I was young, terrified, inexperienced. But I survived the encounter, so that's saying a lot.

Anyway, I didn't think he was that big a deal and with the influx of Korean actors, his name was almost never mentioned... until now. Starring with one of my favorite actress, Kim Sun-Ah in this drama to be screened soon. I dunno... the premise seems somewhat flat. I don't have a good feeling about it. Like I didn't have a good feeling about When It's Night with Kim Sun-Ah and Lee Dong-Gun, but then, I didn't like Lee Dong-Gun cos... something about his acting rubs me the wrong way. And he and Kim Sun-Ah don't look right today.

At least Cha and Kim looks good in the photo above. Like, they've finally found a man for her! (No, Hyun Bin is not yet a man when he filmed My Name is Kim Samsoon with her. He is still not quite a man yet. But getting there, definitely getting there.)

Ok, and this ends my entry.

Thursday, March 26, 2009 . 11:34 PM

Nope, didn't bump into him on the bus again today. I can't decide yet if I am disappointed or relieved. Relieved, I would think.

Anyway, despite what Elsie claims, I am not hung up or still have unresolved issues. And why I'm still talking about him is because I lead a super boring life now. A blast from the past is news for me. How sad is that, huh?

I feel unproductive at work both yesterday and today. I spent most of today putting together stuff for a magazine's beauty awards. It took me better part of the day to finish it. I have got to work faster and to be more thorough with my work. I am frustrated sometimes that I miss things out or make silly mistakes that can be avoided if I had checked my work just once more.

Laziness really is the biggest hurdle for me to cross.

Well, is this a boring entry or what? Can I help it that I'm a boring person and therefore couldn't blog about my exciting social life. Some people live for the drama in their life. Me, I live for the drama in others' lives. This probably explains why I get so involved in friends' lives, why I enjoy watching videos so much.

Living vicariously through others.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 . 9:57 AM

This couple of days, I've been on a bloody roller coaster ride in the mornings. I've gone three years without bumping into him in town and then, wham!

Twice in a week, I bump into him on the same bus. What are the odds of that happening?

Some explanation is necessary, though words are really inadequate expressions at the moment. Basically, the man who so callously broke my heart three years ago has surfaced from whichever rock he has hidden himself under.

Yes, I know he's married and oh-so-in-love with his wife. It's not like I'm still in love with him, but it's just hellishly awkward because we were friends (at the very least) and we went out extremely regularly. I want to be cool about it, I do. But then... damn it.

Am I the one who made things so awkward between us?

I guess, it would be a combination of guilt on his part and embarrassment on mine. He left me wondering what the hell was so wrong with me that he couldn't fall in love with me. If my self-esteem wasn't high before him, it laid in shreds after him... and this is after both Alvin & Leo did an admirable job of stomping me first.

But it's through trials that we become stronger right? I am stronger now, so strong that sometimes I wonder if I still have a heart beneath the steel protection. Or have I left it at home, in a safe?

Monday, March 09, 2009 . 9:48 AM

Well, the big news of the week past isn't how badly the economy is suffering. I guess journalist and the general public exhausted that subject. Nope, the big news are as follows:

1. Edison Chen arriving at our sunny shores to launch Addidas and Carl's Junior thick burgers.
2. Jamie Yeo and Glenn Ong spilting up, then taking swipes at each other via the media. Oh, and they both happen to be dating other people already. (No... I'm not condemning them or anything, God forbid I should have that right.)

Meanwhile, in the northern corner of this tiny island, the biggest happening for a certain locally born and bred girl/woman is the 21st birthday of her biological sister.

As with all 21st birthdays (with the exception of her own), someone somewhere dictated that one must ALWAYS celebrate it with a big bang. And so the beloved boyfriend went on to organise a BBQ at a chalet in the eastern part of said island and invited practically the entire world.

Well, considering my aversion to crowds and socialising with strangers, you can imagine that I looked forward to this gathering as much as I looked forward to have my tooth extracted. Slowly. Sans anaesthesia.

So came that fateful day and I tried to work up some enthusiasm for the event. I must have managed somehow because I got out of the house, somewhat human. Before we head on to the party, of course we had to get the birthday girl a present right?

Option one: PSP

That option was shot to pieces when we found out that a spanking new PSP costs an arm and a leg. (If you're curious, it actually costs $500 upwards, frigging hell!) Apparently, SONY got smart and made the new batch of PSPs such that it can't be 'moded' for owners to download games, instead of buying the expensive original ones. Hence, the vendors are now capitalising on this and jacking the prices for the last batch of 'moded' PSP up sky high. The vendor promised me that 'prices will only go higher'. Yeah, why don't you go rob the bank or something?

Option two: Assorted stickers & notebooks & whatnots from my fav store in AMK Hub

The plan was to get a box for the gift mom got. But since I haven't chosen a present at this point in time and I didn't really fancy sharing a present with mom (reeks of insincerity), I decided to pick a gift from my fav shop. Hey, it's my fav shop for a reason all right? First, they have really cool schedulers imported from Korea. Why are they cool? Cos every page in the book is different and printed in full color. Woah... I'm a sucker for books, naturally I'm suckered into buy... over $80 worth of goodies on my first visit. That makes me a priviledged sucker cos now I have their membership card! Neni-neni-poo-poo~

Anyway, I ended up with this soft toy that has 'pockets' at the sides where you can put your hands into to keep them warm. You can also use it to pillow your head in your arms when you fall asleep while working on your laptop or when you skive at work. Hah!

It suits the birthday girl to a tee cos she does that frequently (fall asleep while on her laptop, not skivving. She doesn't skivve. I think.).

With the gift settled (there was a short episode where mom thought there was a gray version of the white soft toy when the salesgirl really was colorblind and called the white toy, gray. Duh!), we headed to the chalet where I lost my temper at the rude taxi-driver (really, is there any other kind?).

Who the hell knew that there is not one, but TWO Costa Sands Resorts around the same area? Definitely not me, girl-who-lives-in-north. You would have thought a cab driver would know, since it's his job to know these recreational hotspots. I can forgive a cab driver not knowing where certain HDB blocks in Punggol is, but not when it comes to popular places like Costa Sands Resorts or Singapore Zoo or Haw Par Villa. God save us from incompetent taxi drivers.

So birthday girl and boyfriend swooped in to save the day with grandpa's trusty old (I mean old) car. We made it to the BBQ in one, rather, two pieces.

But horrors!!!

There were no food left when we reached at 9ish. But I don't want to go into the whole she-bangs. Having listened to mom's 45-mins tirade as I sat in the back of the car on the way to Newton Circus for stingray & la-la after the obligatory cake-cutting ceremony, I'll spew a fountain of blood if anyone breathes another word of how un-catered the event is.

Really, I don't care if I don't eat a chicken wing or satay there. I was there for the birthday, not the food.

Anyway, the food at Newton tastes much better. Thanks for letting the food run out! v(^_^)v

Wednesday, March 04, 2009 . 12:26 AM

The more I learn about 'adult' relationships, the more relieved I feel that I am single.

I don't understand how two people who are unrelated, who were strangers until serenipity brought them together, can share their bodies, but not their hearts and future.

That feels so much like mating to me and it's so... animalistic. No offense, I know sex is a primal instinct that ensures humanity survival, but...

All right, I'm a prune; it can't be helped since I've been brought up in a super conservative and traditional family. Mum disapproves of dating before, like, 30. Which explains why I'm still single.

It really is tiring to have a mum who married her first boyfriend because she expects you to do the same. Things have changed since your time, Mom.
Relationship are complex and never what they seem on the outside. One couple can seem made for each other, but no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors. Having learn some things I'd rather not know about, I'm disappointed and upset at how fickle humans can be.

It's true that you never really know someone. Everyone has a hidden layer and it's hidden for a damn good reason.

Boring as my life is, I'm appreciative for what I have: job, friends, hope for the future. I think we'll all be happier if we can learn to enjoy being with ourselves. Men are seriously, seriously over-rated.