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Friday, January 23, 2009 . 12:05 PM

Adding to the list of types of guys attracted to me is this particular breed:

- emotionally unavailable
- lecherous (though all men technically are)
- maverick arseholes

Really, one shouldn't start the new year puking one's guts out. Cos it doesn't bode well for the rest of the yr. Ask me, I should know.

Am I really portraying the wrong image and therefore attracting the wrong kind of men? All I want, ever wanted, is a nice, staid man to call my own. What is so difficult about that?

Are unattached, emotional available, decent men all DEAD?

As someone put it so succinctly, I am 'attractive, smart, interesting, has a good figure and witty', why have I not been able to draw anyone decent to me in the past 25 years?

If there aren't anything wrong with men out there in this sunny island, then the problem lies with... me?!

Better the problem lies with me than outside uncontrollable factors for at least I can change the undesirable stuff about me.

Friends, if you call yourselves my friends, pretty please let me know what my blind spots are. I don't want to spend V-Day alone again!

Thursday, January 08, 2009 . 11:51 AM

Ok, I officially regret what happened on NYE and I totally take back what I said in the previous post.

The weekend following NYE, I completely remember what it is I hate most about the dating game. I shan't go into details, but I think my heart isn't made to deal with the stress of it all. Too fragile and all that.

I think I might actually be happier wondering 'what if' than dealing with the harsh realities of a relationship, of being answerable to someone else other than myself.

Of course, this may mean that I just don't want to grow up. But is it so bad to have a Peter Pan complex?

Friday, January 02, 2009 . 12:28 AM

What did you do on the last day of 2008?

I repeated what I did on the last day of 2005 - I got roaring drunk.

But instead of demurely lying on the shoulder of a gentleman, I did what I wouldn't have done 3 years ago.

I kissed him.

What a way to start 2009 huh?

To the rest of the world: Have a great year ahead! We all need some luck... and love. Cheers!