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Thursday, November 20, 2008 . 11:21 PM

Apparently my body is made up of 24% of fat. That means I'm carrying around approximately 11.28kg of fat. Not much, really. About a sack of rice that can feed my family for like, 6 to 8 months. Not much at all huh?

But seriously, I'm not getting anorexic. I'm still eating, in fact, I had two humonguous bowls of rice on Sunday. But thanks to my newly-muscled gym buddy, I've embarked on (yet another) exercise regime. After slacking off my thrice-a-week gym sessions to about once-a-week, he has inspired me to get back on my feet by waving a book under my nose (along with his triceps).

So Monday (that's yesterday) was the official 'first day' although I had a trial session on Saturday that gave me sore (soon-to-appear) abs yesterday. But the real treat yesterday was bumping into his super cute would-be fitness instructor. All I can say is, no wonder he won the Manhunt title! Droolsworthy - nothing on Wu Chun, but few can compare anyway. It was distracting to have a cutie strutting around gym when one is drenched in perspiration and trying desperately to keep face from contorting with exertion. Enough about the cute fitness instructor and more on my exercise regime, I started doing circuits, which is supposed to help me train my core strength. And the exercise involved weights. I bench-pressed 10kg (ah-huh! Almost the same weight as my fats!), did biceps curls of 6.8kg and assort other exercises. I hope I don't look like Chunli (of Street Fighter) after all the training. That would be damn scary. The worst part is liposuction wouldn't work on muscles!

So, anyway, according to the book, I should have less than 20% body fat for my abs to show. And apparently that works out to 1kg of weight loss. Whatever... as long as I LOOK slimmer, it would mean effort is well worth it.

Of course, no exercise regime is complete without diet. So starting from yesterday I decided to eat heathily. Healthily ok? Not don't eat, but eat healthy stuff. Like yogurt. Eggs. Banana. Subway. And today was a bring from home sandwich. Open-faced peanut butter sandwich. Grapes. Think I'll make my Tuna Pasta for lunch tomorrow. Yummy... Think it's time for my snack (more grapes!). I'm giving it 2 weeks (the book says 2 weeks can see some results, otherwise I'm trashing the damn book. And Aaron.) before I go stand on my weighing scale and break out the measuring tape.

Stay tuned!

P.S. My cheat meal today was the most sinful thing ever: cheese & chocolate fondue. But I must say that they're worth every single calorie. But back to the punishing diet for another week tomorrow!

Monday, November 03, 2008 . 10:16 AM

Another weekend, except that it was my birthday weekend and non of my friends had time for me. Yeah, at times I wonder why I have so few friends too, but well, I've been like that for a quarter of a century and should be used to it.

At least I'm lonely when I'm alone and not lonely in a crowd. Somehow, I think that would have been worse.

So what awe-inspiring thing did I do last weekend? Well, let's see... I rose bright and early at 10.30am to get my PDL, skipped gym for a decadent brunch before dashing down for my first-ever driving lessons. Yup, I was actually behind the wheel for once and I survived the experience. Not once, but twice!

Course I did it again on Sunday night on the dark roads of Bukit Gombak. I think there were a lot of pissed off drivers in Gombak last night, but what do I care? The most important thing is I managed not to knock down any pedestrian! Considering my lousy motor skills, I am kind of amazed.

How bad am I behind the wheel? Well, let's see... I can lose my way playing Mario Kart. My hand-eye coordination is virtually non-existent and I think my instructor is a brave, brave man to let me take control of the wheel. Since he puts his life at risk everyday, every hour, I guess he's used to living life on the edge. Wonder what his insurance bills look like... Hah~

But fun though driving is, my beef with it is... payment. In cash. Two lessons last weekend cost me 154 bucks. I know, I know, my shopping costs more than that, but hey! I don't shop that much nowadays ok? It's like a quarterly affair now since my colleagues here don't really appreciate what I wear. There's no competition... I mean, who do I dress up for? The aunties or the workshop guys? Seriously...

So between the driving lessons and my insane credit card bills (those Fahrenheit boys had better be worth their weight in gold, man!), I'm wiped out this month. I'm so screwed that I don't really want to contemplate my finance status. That big plan about starting treatment for my face? Looks like I have to shelf it.

I know I am not realistic enough, which explains my credit crunch. But at least I'm not several grand in debt. Nope, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. Lord knows I've been in debt before and I hated every second of it. Technically, if I have 7 grand now, I should give it to Gramps to pay him back for park of my degree course. But... well... can I settle for visiting him more often? I'm sure he'd rather see more of me than to see his money back. Or so I desperately hope!

Let's see... can I get a car at 25 after all?