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Monday, May 26, 2008 . 6:13 PM

I just saw parts of the trailer for Twilight, one of my most anticipated for 2008. I'm all jittery after reading that the release date would be this year (albeit in December), but the trailer generated a vague sense of... dare I say it?


There, I've said it.

Edward is totally not what I pictured him to be. I really think that it was a bad casting choice for the actor. He looks stiff (sucky pun, hahaha...) in the trailer, worse than I imagined.

But you know what? Luckily for him, I love Stephenie Meyer enough to coerce people I know into watching. I'd probably hate it, like how I completely loathed Eragon, but I'll still watch it cos my favorite author deserves the support (even if the bad casting does not).

More pictures at http://photos.latimes.com/backlot/gallery/twilight
Trailer at http://twilightthemovie.com/

Oh, btw, I love the tag
When you can live forever, what do you live for?

Sweet (probably what Edward would say if he can taste Bella's blood)!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 . 9:11 AM

People I care about

Aa-won the bitchy teddy bear ASS-istant editor.

Sha-won the always smiling mahjong queen

Mel the grave robber {break kam-ching...}

Elsie the cradle snatcher

Alvin the Looi-maker

Museli the erm, dog

People I miss

The psychotic duo, Beasts from the east

These two are menaces, especially when placed together. They make people go insane - with laughter, that is. Actually, I miss the laughter more than I miss you two!


Actually, I don't miss him all that much. I'm not just saying it, I mean it. Thanks for being a pleasant memory, though I certainly didn't think so three years ago. I've learnt so much from him, how to give without expectation of returns, how to deal with disappointment and finally, how to let out. Those weren't easy lessons to learn and they took a while. But I learnt and I don't regret it. Now I can look back at those memories (however preciously few there were) without bitterness.

Friday, May 16, 2008 . 3:14 PM

Finally, I'm putting up some pictures. I figured that since Aaron and Sharon already cornered the Facebook market, I should go elsewhere and post our pictorial.

We spent 8 days 7 nights together and discovered some rather interesting things about each other. I discovered some things about myself as well, like how bad tempered I can be when I don't have a familiar bed to come home to. But thank God for good friends like these two...

Honestly, ever since the new job and the constant hanging out with The Rons, I've felt... less lost and empty. Like, it wasn't bad not being in a relationship. They fill my life and I'm actually content. I feel blessed and blissful that I have them, and I love them, warts and all cos I know they love me too.

(Hold the mushiness you say, but who's asking you?)

I once doubted my ability to love, that I could possibly be too selfish to love someone whole-heartedly. I still think I'm too selfish, but I don't think that blocks me from loving my family and friends.

Of course, there were times I wanted to strangle those who I love, but don't we all have these moments? It doesn't mean I care any less about them.

But judging from my severely limited circle of beloved, I may not be emotionally handicapped, but my love is most definitely Limited Edition. So, that said, anyone else wants my love before it runs out?

Singapore Changi Airport-> Taipei, Keyman Hotel-> Shida Night Market

On the way to Taiwan, oh the excitement!

Keyman Hotel, where we put up for 5 days.

Our lovely hotel room, big enough to house 3, but no shower curtains in the bath...

First stop: Shida Night Market, Bubble Tea

Yes! We got the drinks!

Oooh... what are these? *drools*

When in doubt, queue!!!

Who says there is nothing to do while you wait? You can eat... some exotic Taiwanese rice snack, roughly translated as 'Pig's Blood Glutinous Rice'.

And you eat some more! Hawaii Cre-pe~ Yum!

Proof: I'm not the only glutton around.

More proof. Hahaha...

What's he doing with the ball?

Who farted?! Oh, it's just smelly tofu...

Monday, May 12, 2008 . 12:19 PM

I came back from Taiwan just 2 weekends ago and have dove right back into the thick of things. Of course, coming back from the trip means that I'm poorer (naturally), but not poor enough to haul back a stack of novels. The reason for the expedition to the book store is the release of one of my favourite writers' latest offerings: The Host.

Contrary to what Sharon claims, it is not a book about hosting parties. Neither is it about hunks serving lonely rich socialites.

Far from it, it is in fact, a science fiction novel set in the distant future where earth has been invaded by aliens who occupy human bodies (obliterating the person's original consciousness). But they do so because humans are cruel and violent and are killing themselves. The aliens are peace-loving and seek to save us from ourselves (and kill us in the process, go figure).

What do I think about it? It coaxed tears out of me, so it was good that way. I like Meyer's writing style and she didn't bore me. At first, I thought the story meandered a bit, but in retrospect, it didn't. Every scene seems to come together to form a very detailed picture and I feel the characters' pain. Maybe not Jared's (ok, maybe just a little at the end), but Ian's, Jamie's, Melanie's, and most of all, Wanderer's were brilliant in its simplicity.

I like how she handled Ian's character, much more than Jared's. In a way, Jared and Melanie remained me of Bella and Edward, except Bella's not so... angry and suspicious. But the relationship between J & M is almost exactly like B & E, no joke! Love at first sight and all...

And strange how I can relate to Wanderer/Melanie's maternal feelings for Jamie. Is the biological clock ticking?

Right after I finished with the book, I grabbed the Korean DVDs off my shelf and started watching. I bought it last Sunday, caving my impulse (I tend to do that a lot) to watch Bae Yong Joon in Korean fantasy/period drama. I've been through 16 eps and I'm hooked.

It is a rather interesting setup (love-triangle, boy proving his worth & compassion) and I like the female lead, Lee Ji-ah.

The Modern Lee Ji-ah

Lee Ji-ah as Se-o

Even Bae Yong Joon manages to look pretty awesome here!

Together they are couple of the year:

Right now, I'm wishing I can go on home and watch another 4 eps of the show. It's not compelling, but my curiosity is relentless. I need to know!

Yeah, yeah, I know, I live in the fictional world too much. But it's just too dang exciting to give up!