Friday, February 29, 2008 . 8:56 AM
Men are such hypocrites.In the aftermath of the Leaked Photos brouhaha, the girls are determined to be sluts and had weddings called off or is facing possible separation.
I think that this is grossly unjust. These girls have been dealt a terrible blow by the distribution of the photos. These men, who had loved them enough to want to marry them, are abandoning them in their time of need.
What exactly is shameful about their behaviour? Is it because she refuses to give her would-be husband a blowjob? Or because she told him she was a virgin and the photos exposed her lies? Or did she not react as... eagerly as the photos showed she could have?
Why do I have the feeling that it's because the entire world has seen her bush and therefore she is no longer good enough?
Or is it because there is no such thing as unconditional love?
Monday, February 25, 2008 . 11:48 AM

I'm excited over the live-action adaptation of one of my favourite books, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. However, the choice of the male lead left a lot to be desired. In my imagination, he is cuter than that.
What has got me waiting impatiently, is not the movie. After all, I already know what's going to happen in it. No, it's the final installment of the series that has me at the edge of my seat. Breaking Dawn will be released in September! That is 7 agonizing months away. Oh, how can I wait that long?
But I can have a little appetitizer in form of her new book, The Host. That retails in May, a mere 3 months away! By then, I would have come back from my exciting Taipei trip. Hopefully not yet broke.
And just as I'm on cloud 9 over having bought tickets to TPE, the bad news hits. I could have saved $146.50 if I just waited a few more days to buy. I really don't know who to curse though I have a pretty good idea who my travelling pals are cursing.
*bursts into tears*
Friday, February 22, 2008 . 2:22 PM
Talk is cheap.Where did I get that sentiment? I don't know. I can't even remember who told me that little gem, but it's the one thing that hold true for as long as I can remember.
Promises are broken so easily and yet we continue to believe.
Words that are spoken casually by one might mean the world to another.
A person worth nothing to another might be the reason of my existence. So here I am, searching for that reason. Is it foolish to bank your reason for being on another person? Don't we all need a reason to cling on to life?
For some, its glory, status, wealth.
For others, its love, the idea of love.
For me, why do I continue to exist?
Because I can? Because I want? Because I do?
I'm not sure. I can't turn back and I'm afraid to veer off the well-trodden path, afraid of where it would lead me.
Was there a cliff awaiting me? A dead-end? Or perhaps A Secret Garden?
I look down at my feet, saturated with dust, but free from cuts and bruises and realised that I fear.
I fear the branches that would swipe at me, the claws and fangs in the wings awaiting fresh meat. Above all, I fear the jeering laughter that surely accompanies my downfall.
It is not in failure that I fear, that I despair. Expectations grip.
Uncertainty grows.
I falter.
Thursday, February 21, 2008 . 8:45 AM
And so today marks the official end to the lunar new year. Why do I know this? Because the company has kindly decided to dismiss us at 5pm instead of 6pm. Nice huh?I made my 2nd biggest travel purchase in my life with my hard-earned money yesterday, this time to Taiwan. And because I'm poor, I'll have to travel with a budget airline. Still the ticket cost $526, inclusive of surcharges and taxes, as well as a $6 credit card processing fee.
I feel cheated. What did they need to proceed? Isn't it enough that they are earning sky-high interests & annual subscription fees? Crap, it's no wonder we're always short of money. Bloody loansharks...
Anyway, after 2 letters of rejection from UOB and CitiBank (I hate you guys, just so you know) for a run-of-the-mill plantinum credit card, I've decided to try the Clear card with the limit of, WOW, $500.
Dead silence.
I totally understand, but it's not like I can afford any bloody big ticket purchase as this moment. Broke, you know, as in B-R-O-K-E. Yes, I could use a pay increment. Hell, anyone could use an increment.
Unless you're Aaron Lye, who's earning $3.6k after a fancy-pansy degree in Canada & 7 years of FREELANCE writing experience. So what if the freelance jobs came from BT-SPH? It's still freelance! And who told me journalism paid peanuts? Apparently that person was disinformed. Journalism paid soooo much more than marketing.
I can use a pay raise (are you listening out there, God/Boss?).
And yes, I'm in a whiny mood today. Bite me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 . 10:04 AM
My first big hull ever since I started playing mahjong. I think my gambling luck's not bad this year. Let's play more! Perhaps it's time I buy 4D... *ponders*I was watching [Wish To See You Again], this new series by Vic of the F4 fame on the way to way and... I started tearing over over the sappy plot. It wasn't anything terribly tragic, just a flashback to the boys' schooldays and how they got to know each other. But something about their friendship got to me and the tears just wouldn't stop.
I think I just needed a good cry. Quick throw me a Winter Sonata-ish K-drama someone!
Thursday, February 14, 2008 . 9:13 AM
It must be my period.Constantly felt on the edge of tears these couple of days. No, I do not think it's because I don't have a date on Valentine's Day. And for the record, I do have a date - with Aaron and Sharon.
Back to my over-active tearducts. I just saw this piece of news and when I studied the photo that accompanied it more closely, I felt disturbed and explicably, an urge to shed a tear or two for the poor orang utan. Yes, I know how it sounds, but it is pretty sad.
Have a look at the alleged photo:

How do you swallow a picture of the poor orang utan dead from a broken neck, caused by the hanging noose and her mates' efforts to rescue her?
Is this shock factor or is this something more? Without the photo, I think I would think that it's a rather odd/bizarre story. But with the photo, it suddenly becomes a poignant tragedy. I'm not making sense, am I?
I'm aching all over, badly need a massage. Actually, I perpetually need a massage. *groans*
Monday, February 11, 2008 . 3:09 PM
CNY hols came and went. 5 whole days of rollicking fun gone in a blink, I'm definitely getting old fast. Before I know it, I'll probably be 52...But let's not dwell on that.
The entire Chinese (and Cantonese) speaking world is abuzz with the latest celebrity scandal: amateur porn photos of certain female celebs and a certain roguish goodlooker who's less than well-endowed. I confess to having seen some of them and I think one of them definitely look high on something.
Seeing these celebs in the buff drives home the point that they are merely human and not the demi-god we seem to think they are.
The news definitely seem set to rock the world for some time.