Wednesday, January 30, 2008 . 3:42 PM
I'm exhausted...Ok, that's stretching the truth, but I only slept 4 hrs last night! I have a right to be tired. And I didn't have coffee, sorely missing the caffeine in my system. I think I'm fast becoming a coffee addict.
Actually, I just wanted to say that I was pretty happy yesterday. *grin grin* Amazing how a few smses can brighten my day... I think it's been eons since I felt that way.
I think the trick is to keep looking on the bright side (but stop short of being delusional). I am looking for the bright spots and hoping for the best, yet trying desperately not to think/read too much into anything. I think that he has trained me quite well over the last year cos I've been able to not brood over when/whether he will contact me. Seriously, I just got to relax!
Anyway, the launch was pretty fine, but it feels like the kind of thing I can do with my eyes closed. The dissatisfied feeling is slowly, but surely growing. I'm excited to see what 2008 has in store for me. 2007 was pretty dramatic, with me battling the AGOP monster, crawling back to RBE for a short stint and then landing a job with MMS. So what new, exciting things will 2008 herald? Can't wait to find out, but I don't want time to pass time too fast either!
Monday, January 28, 2008 . 9:19 AM
It is difficult to believe that I'll be graduating after I submit this final (crap) essay.Where did the past 1.5 years go? It was just yesterday that I enrolled in this course, just yesterday that I met my groupmates, Shahril and Amarpal. Just yesterday that I teased Jeremy and got slightly more acquainted with Farand.
The next time I meet them (excluding Jem, but if he continues to be so absorbed with his peanut butter, he might be included) again, we'll probably all be gripping our bachelor degree tightly in our hands. It's an interesting scenerio and somewhat drives home the point that I'm kind of... well, old now.
After ribbing Aaron for being a quarter of a century old for the past few years, I'm finally getting my just desserts. I am approaching that fearsome number with too much speed. I try not to think about what I have achieved these past 25 years. I am will aware of the fact that I have not been a particularly 1. nice, 2. fillial, 3. shrewd person.
I have managed neither to squirrel away money for retirement, nor climb the corporate ladder. Crap. I have not even managed to rid myself of the zero in my life! Ok, let's not go into that bitter subject guaranteed to make me foam at the mouth.
New year, makes me think of new year resolutions... and fortune tellers. Last year, I managed to coerce sis into heading to the temple with me. Nothing fantastic came of it, not that I expected a life-changing experience. And then I headed off to Chinatown to buy, of all crappy stuff, peach blossoms. Then, there was this hilarious sight of one insane woman lugging stalks of peach blossoms, which coincidentally are much taller than her, in the MRT.
Crap~ This year, let's just settled for going to the temple, yeah?
Thursday, January 17, 2008 . 11:09 AM
Mr and Mrs Looi's wedding was a smashing success - with the exception of a few hiccups. I must say that I'm quite a talented wedding coordinator, should definitely consider a career as a wedding planner.Maybe I should offer to be Carol and Ee Ping's? Let me think on it.
Carole and Sharon were a huge help when I was hunting for a dress for the wedding. 2 days before the wedding, they ran around Orchard with me looking for the perfect dress and afterwards, gave me advice on how to jazz up the dress. Ee Ping even contributed his POV, which from what I gathered, was rare. Carol even loaned me her pearls! I really am grateful for her generosity and warm-heartedness. Now why can't I find such nice, normal colleagues?
Anyway, I have some photos of the big day, but have yet to upload cos I'm lazy and busy. And I can't seem to find the camera. My only regret is I forgot to take tonnes of pictures with the blissfully wedded couple. How can I forget? When you have to wake at 3am to get to the bride's house by 4am, then rush around with her, trying to remember to bring all the necessary accessories and stuff from her house to the groom's house, back to her house, then to hotel, and you can still remember to snap tonnes of pictures with the couple, I'd bow to your multi-tasking skills.
I shed a few tears during Alvin's thank-you speech cos I feel as if I'm marrying off my kids (yes, they are older than me, but hell, I am the one person who walked has been with them every step of the way!). Thankfully my mascara was powerful enough to withstand the onslaught of tears. All hail Skinfood's cosmetics~
The thing you would be most interested to know would probably be about YH and wife. While, I felt nothing when I saw them. Maybe a tinge of curiosity, but that's about it. Definitely no lingering feelings. I gave them a wide berth because there is no point in saying 'hi' really. There is nothing to say between us. I've finally laid the ghosts of the past to rest, which, trust me, I'm really glad for.
Can I move forward now? Yes. But I haven't felt very strongly towards anybody for the past 3 years. Do I look forward to another YH kind of emotional experience? Honestly, no. I like to think that I'm matured enough to be more rational when I fall in love again. But then again, love and rationality seem to be mutually-exclusive. At least for me it is.
But a girl can hope, can't she?
Thursday, January 10, 2008 . 3:51 PM
Day before Elsie & Alvin's big day.I'm totally wiped out. I need sleep, but doesn't look like I'll be getting enough tonight. Her makeup is at 4.30am. Can anyone say 'ungodly hour'? Getting married is so troublesome.
I managed to settle on a suitable dress, after spending a bomb on stuff that I don't really need. Complete waste of money. Damnit. How would I ever save enough for my TW trip in April. Bloody everlasting hell.
The joke is that after blowing so much money on dresses, shoes, blouse, vest... I decided on the cheapest dress I bought from Far East. Yes, I know sometimes I just asked for it. Gosh, as I type this, I'm falling asleep. How can I be in tip-top condition like that?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 . 2:45 PM