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Tuesday, July 31, 2007 . 3:08 PM

It sickens me to read news reports about the situation in the middle east.

The most recent one would be about the kidnapping of the Korean missionary group in Afghanistan. Already a second body has been found. It is beyond me to imagine the terror the hostages must be going through. They don't know when they would breathe their last or if they would ever see their families again. I don't know what that feels like and I pray I never have to know.

If I can make a decision on whether to accede to the Taliban's demands to trade the hostages for prisoners, I would be at a loss. How do you decide? Do I sacrifice the lives of these Koreans for the greater good? Or do I acquiesce and risk having an upsurge of copycat behaviour in other extremists groups?

Really, how can one decide who should live and who should die? God bless seems inappropriate to end this post, seeing as how they ended up in this situation doing God's work. No, don't get me wrong, I am not blaming God in any way, for I am mere mortal and could never presume to understand what He has in mind for us.

What I can do is to add my voice to the chorus of prayers said in the name of the Koreans.

May your strength, will and faith never falter.
And may love carry you through.
I pray for you, brothers and sisters of my soul, amen.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 . 3:28 PM

Okay, this is way overdue!

Let it be known that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ROCKS! I love, Love, LOVE the book and J.K. Rowling can do no wrong. That said, can we have more Potter books please? I grew up with the boy and he saw me through the awkward transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Though I think I cried harder when Albus Dumbledore died in the 6th book.

I'm not listing any spoiler in this blog so venture forth with no fear! Just one special aside to Ms Eng aka Mrs Looi:

There are no scenes detailing Harry loss of his virginity!
Come on people, this is a children's storybook, not a sex-ed textbook! See, even the violent scenes are kept to a minimum and there are rarely any blood or gore when people get injured or die. This is healthy stuff, preaching about love and sacrifice, so why would anyone think this satanic is beyond me. Shouldn't we be opposing those violent videogames targetted at impressionable teens instead?

Before this turns into a dissertation about the effects of media on society, I shall stop that line of argument and just urge everyone of you yet to pick up a Potter book to please do so. You do not want to miss out on the Story of the Century. Please read and then join your voice with those who are asking for more Potter stories.

I'm sure there can be more. Bring back our beloved hero! I'll love a prequel on Sirius, Lupin, Peter, James, Lily and Snape.

I'll love a biography of Lord Voldy and his rise to power. I'll love anything from the Potter universe. I need another dose of Potter!

Saturday, July 21, 2007 . 1:43 AM

Okay, I went for the interview with the travel portal and a little bird told me that I pretty much passed it. The higher-ups were happy with what they saw in me and I supposed I'm feeling rather pleased with myself, seeing as how I tried my darnest to sabotage the setup.

Of course, I wore a top that emphasized on my assets (read: boobs) and seeing as how 2 of my interviewers were male, that helped loads. The other interviewer was on my side since she is Annie's sister and is open to bribes (read: lots of alcohol).

Anyway, when I left I thought I didn't do well for various reasons. Until the little bird enlightened me and advised me to drag signing the appointment letter for as long as possible because there is a high chance I might get offered the position. And because there were two persons who felt strongly that I should accept this position instead of the one with Mazda's, my will is shaken.

Oh fine, so it wasn't that strong to begin with, but Mazda is a strong brand and I need a nice MNC in my resume. Okay, maybe not need. But I want.

I know this sounds ironic coming from a girl who chose RBE over Keppel (the bonus!) and rejected Mediacorp. But Mazda... it is quite a big deal. It's not a LOCAL company, it's a WORLDWIDE recognised brand! According to Elsie, with Mazda under my belt, I can pretty much apply anywhere else (okay, maybe there are a few exceptions, but it covers most geographical areas).

That rings true. Especially when it comes out that I produce most of the collaterals and liaised with the agencies and planned all the stuff. All right, I think I've pretty much convinced myself. Look big picture, girl!

Who cares if you have to wake at 5.30am and travel 1.5hrs to reach your workplace on-time? Loads of people do this! What does it matter if you have to take a 300 bucks pay-cut? This is a dream come true and you can claim marketing experience. And I believe the retail/consumer companies will be more keen on me when I emerge after 2-3 years later, armed with a degree.

The travel and everything else can come later. Thou shalt have to suffer first and enjoy later.

Think no further, Mazda is where you are headed!

1.57am: I think I neglected to mention that I've gained a freaking 4.6kg since... I don't know. I'm so close to the big 5-0 that I freaked out last night after stepping on the weighing scale for the first time in months. So I did the smart thing (no, not throw out the weighing scale) and went jogging for 25 minutes.

But my stamina's gone. I thought I would become roadkill! I so need to re-built my stamina.

Sharon commented that it's strange how when I lost so much weight, Mel gained instead. Now's vice versa. I've got a theory how the weight has to go somewhere. Since Mel's gone, I have to gain to balance up the scale. It's the same for pimples.

There needs to be a certain number of zits in existence and there needs to be a certain magical number for the weight of the total population. I mean, ying and yang proves that there needs to be a balance and life and death is pretty much a means to ensure over/under population. So it is hard to believe that when it comes to pimples and weight, there is a method of control as well?


Thursday, July 19, 2007 . 1:13 AM

The entire world knows I've been job searching since like forever. I think I've been rather lucky this time around since I've been getting interviews at some companies I can only dream about previously, like Luxasia, Mediacorp, Philips Electronics, even Singtel gave me a shot.

I'm rather glad to be granted an interview with them.

Of course I have some regrets, like not doing better at some interviews (Luxasia) and rejecting some offers (Mediacorp). But all that is waters under the bridge and we should always look to the future right?

Right now, the future looks like it holds real potential. For once (or twice) in my career life, I finally feel as if I've really found something. The only catch now is this: I need a little pay adjustment.

Okay, the tale goes something like this:

I was offered a regional marketing position with an electronics distribution company that I did not really want and just as I was considering it, a car company called and asked me down for an interview. I went, not really expecting anything from them.

To my immense surprise, the interview went really well and somehow, I plucked up the courage to tell my interviewer that I am considering another position. Then, before I knew what happened, he was assuring me that I was their prime candidate and they would make the decision before the day was out.

I left, basically a happy camper and they did indeed offer me the position. I was so over the moon that I accepted their offer without too much considerations.

Now, I'm on the verge of signing the appointment letter and doubts have set in. Is this a good offer and can I survive on the offered pay? The answer is I probably can't since I need to support myself, pay school fees, repay my debts and still have enough left over to save (I so need a car and regular holidays!).

That said, I really need to re-negotiate my pay.

Then, there's the fact that I'm going for another interview tomorrow. It's a travel company and an account servicing position. I should be able to command a higher pay since I do have experience, but I much prefer a marketing job. Well, we'll see!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 . 1:36 AM

My sister's new objection of desire is a hedgehog.

No, not this hedgehog:

But this hedgehog:

Cute ain't it? Looks like its saying 'hi' to you! See its left paw lifted in a half-wave? Altogether now: awwww...

Yeah, this is what my sister wants as a pet. I always thought she has crazy ideas. I still remember how she talked me into adopting a black kitten with her. She surfed all the pet forums online and found this family who put up an adoption notice for a black kitten they found in a drain near their house.

I don't know how my sis did it, but she managed to talk me into talk a super long MRT ride down to Eunos and walking like 20 minutes in the sweltering hot sun looking for the house where the dear kitten was house.

Needless to say, one look at the poor dear and I was infatuated. In fact, I was so infatuated that I carried it and took the bus home. It slept through the bus ride while I fretted that it would die of suffocation. In case you're wondering, no it didn't.

So, this marks the second time my sister is appealing to me on her madcap scheme to get our hands on a hedgehog.

In case you are unaware, rearing hedgehogs in Singapore is ILLEGAL.

But that's not detering my sister. I must stress that she's totally crazy. We once had:

4 hamsters (winter greys)
3 rabbits (2 dwarf rabbit & 1 holland lop)
2 guinea pigs
1 cat
1 dog
1 pondful of koi

All thanks to her obsession.

But since then, the numbers have dwindled. Trust me, it's a good thing. Two dogs are enough to keep us on our toes. But now her obsession with her hedgehogs have rubbed off on me.

Don't believe me? Just look at these!

Looks like a tiny pincushion!

'Rub my tummy!'

Rambutans? No! They're baby hedgies!

How can you not love them? Sigh...

Monday, July 16, 2007 . 1:45 AM

Being chased by lizards is definitely not my idea of fun. Luckily, it's not an everyday event and not that lizards make it a point to chase me. I just had the weirdest dream whereby I was trapped in the same house with 3 humongous lizards and the dream totally freaked me out.

And according to www.dreammoods.com, dreaming about lizards mean:

"To see a lizard in your dream, signifies your primal instincts and reactions
toward sex, food, etc. and your anxieties toward these feelings. The lizard can
also be representative of a person who you view as cold-blooded, fearful, or
thick-skinned. On a more positive note, the lizard also symbolizes emerging
creativity, renewal, and revitalization. It may also suggest that you are

And then being chased means:

"Chase dreams often stem from feelings of anxiety in your walking life. The way
we respond to anxiety and pressure in real life is typically manifested as a chase dream. Running is an instinctive response to physical threats in our environment. Often in these dream scenarios, you are being pursued by some attacker, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. You are running away, hiding, or trying to outwit your pursuer. Chase dreams may represent your way of coping with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it. Ask yourself who is the one chasing you and you may gain some understanding and insight on the source of your fears and pressure.

The pursuer or attacker who is chasing you in your dream may also represent a part of yourself. Your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, and possibly love, can assume the appearance of threatening figure. You may be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser. Next time you have a chase dream, turn around and confront your pursuer. Ask them why they are chasing you.

One may be consumed by their own anger, jealousy, love, or self-destructive behavior. For example, you may be drinking too much or exhibiting open hostility toward others around you. You may subconsciously be threatened by these actions which have been jeopardizing your relationships and/or career. Your dreams are a way of calling attention to these self-destructive actions.

A more direct analysis of chase dreams is the fear of being attacked. Such dreams are more common among women than men, who may feel physically vulnerable in the urban environment. These dreams are inspired by fears of violence and sexual assault in which we are so over-exposed from the media. The violence that the media portrays magnifies our fears and how at risk we all are."

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 . 1:52 PM

I'm gonna be a fat pig.

I have been eating so much that I disgust myself. I gorge on stingray, lala & gonggong on Sunday. Then black pepper chicken, omelette sandwich and soft-shell crab on Monday. Followed by Piper's Pie chicken and mushroom pie and bbq Korean food on Tuesday.

So today's food hunt started off with Chippy Express & a kiwi bubble tea (vile!). I wonder how much more food I'll consume... I don't want to be fat!

As for the pig part, I slept till 10am today... when I have a 10am interview. Crap!

Of course I had to inform the company I was late right? So I did and I told them 11am. In actual fact, I only reached at 11.30am.

But my interviewer seemed oblivious to the fact that I was running 1.5hrs late cos he offered me the job on the spot!

Gosh... and he is willing to pay me $2600. But the catch is I'm going to slog to death. I have to be prepared to work really hard cos it's a one-man show over there. An office less than 10 pax. The more I list down the pros and cons, the more cons I see.

They're operating a 5.5 day work week - con.
The marketing executive has to handle everything on her own. - con
I have to be answerable for sales performance and will be under tremedous pressure to perform. - con
It's an IT company who boring products. - con
They are the distributor, not brand owner. - con
It's an SSSME. -con
They are willing to match my pay. - pro
It is located in the heart of Orchard. - pro
I get to travel to Malaysia and Thailand for business, which means regional exposure. -pro
I really get to be wholly responsible for my brands and products and can really know how capable I am. - pro
It's a hard to come by challenge. - pro

Now, the question is "Can I handle the pressure?" When it comes to crunch time, can I work on my school projects and still handle the avalanche of projects I need to undertake? I seriously have no idea.

How am I suppose to give them an answer tomorrow? Oh my lord... help me please!

Friday, July 06, 2007 . 3:28 AM

Internet is really slow tonight, blogger took a long time to load.

I have an exam tomorrow, so I really don't know what I'm doing awake at this hour. Actually, I just finished studying. I think I studied all of 1 hr. Amazing eh? Considering how much I enjoyed IMC (that's Intergrated Marketing Comms for the uninitiated), I really don't feel very motivated to study. No big surprise because I think after completing two projects for this module, I know the ins and outs of it. At least enough to scrape a pass.

Why do unmotivated? Because after all the studying for Consumer Behaviour, I got only a Credit for it. Very disappointing. And since scoring that Distinction is now just a dream, I've decided to take it easy.


I'm still feeling distressed over my postponed Taipei trip, but I just had an idea. Since Taipei is too expensive, why don't I go somewhere affordable? Like Bangkok? I'm still thinking about it, but Thailand is after all, not Taipei.

Sob, give me my Taipei...

15 more days till I lay my grubby hands on J.K. Rowling's final HP book. I think I'm dealing with the anticipation in a rather admirable fashion. I hope the cold turkey doesn't start after I finish the book. And please! Don't let Harry die! I would be so disillusioned!

I wonder how the people who had already read the book (i.e. editors, artist who drew the cover, other lucky bastards & bitches) can keep everything so hush-hush. Nothing has leaked out so far, not even a whisper (at least as far as I know) of what is to come. If I were one of them, I would absolutely die. How can I bear not go around bragging that I know what happens to the most famous fictionious boy and giving people hints of what will happen?

Which is why I'm not in the know.

And Farand told me a few weeks back that Longman is apparently somehow related to the HP books and he gets a mind-blowing 40% off the retail price of the book! 40%!!! Do you have any inkling how much that is? I was so agitated that I almost expired right there in the car. But I'd already re-ordered the book, so it really doesn't make sense for me to cancel and buy from him. To think he was all calm about being able to purchase the books at 40% discount. He is completely oblivion to his good luck because he doesn't like the series.

Totally insane, him.
Another sad thing to blog about: I didn't get the Luxasia job. Yes, I do feel bitter about it since I lost out because they thought I have a problem with working long hours. Come on! How many overnighters did I pull with Red Box? I have a problem? They're the ones with the problem! I'm so angry I can bite someone!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007 . 2:03 PM

I had the weirdest dream last night. I can't remember the details, but I remembered that something happened to make me really sad and I started weeping. I was crying so hard that I woke myself up with it to find me crying in real life.

That wasn't the first time it happened - not that it happened that frequently. But it was the first time it happened when I was feeling truly upset about something and I refused to let myself cry in real life. I guess the repression was what lead to the eruption.

And the million-dollar question is, what was I upset about?

The soul-searching trip to Taiwan has been postponed indefinitely.

Yep, you heard me right. Postponed.

After all the research and planning and looking forward, I still am unable to realize my one wish this year. Am I pissed off? Of course I'm pissed!

The fact is: if I go Taiwan as planned, I won't have money for school fees.

So between school fees and Taiwan, practicality ruled.

I hate being practical. I hate reality. It sucks. 2007 thus far sucks. I'm penniless, jobless and in debt. Oh, of course, I still haven't met the love of my life yet.

Yes, 2007 definitely sucks.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 . 5:59 PM

As I blog this, please note that I'm experiencing a severely creepy case of deja vu.

2 years after I left Red Box Events, here I am, at my old seat, blogging about my re-entry into my first company. This is seriously weird considering the circumstances in which I had left.

Anyway, I am working here for 1 month (20 days, 18 more to go) so I can finance my trip to Taipei. Yes, I am going to Taipei. Alone, mind you.

I'll just finalise the details before blogging more...