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Tuesday, March 27, 2007 . 9:25 PM

I had the busiest 2 weeks what with school and work.

Lately, I've found myself repeating this refrain once too often. I'm afraid I'm beginning to bore even myself. School provided immense satisfaction because I like the current subject I'm taking: Consumer Bbehaviour. Its interesting and I understand what the lecturer is saying.

Best of all, I think I aced the group presentation. She loved our work and made all the time we committed to the project, all the heartache and blood worth it. This project underwent a re-write, but it was worth it. My current ambition is to become a branding/marketing/marcom executive at some FMCG company.

I would like to work for some chocolate or ice-cream company so I can enjoy all the ice-cream and chocs I want. LOL

Seriously, work is... sigh... can I just leave it at that?

I haven't watched a movie in the longest time. The last was Ghost Rider. Before Feb. Sh-yt.

I want to relax, but I can't. I want to take a trip for some 'me' time. but I can't. I want to sleep in. I want to... sh-yt, I don't know what I want anymore. Sh-yt.

That's why I say: I'm depressed!

Elsie and Alvin is getting married in June. Congrats!

And Mr Foo is marrying his girl in May. Congrats!

Geez, what is it with 2007, why is everyone getting married??? Or is it just the age bracket I'm in???

Sunday, March 11, 2007 . 4:16 AM

Photo taken from Samsung D900's 3 Megapixels Camera:

Darn clear isn't it? (that was taken last year when I just permed my hair)

Now take a look at my new SE Z610i's 2 Megapixels Camera:

Okay, so this last photo has nothing to do with the cakes. I just thought Museli looked cute here (so do I! ^^).

Anyway, please try the cakes at Rive. They're divine! We had a birthday cake for Sharon last year and they're so good that I went back and bought these 4 babies. Trust me, they might not look impressive, but they're to die for.

You can find them at Takashimiya B2, beside Beard Papa or Papa Beard - whatever! They cost me SGD$14, but they're worth every cent!

I actually bought them on Thursday and that was the same day I realized how appalling our service standard is. No wonder we need to come up with the GEMS programme.

I swung by the Donut House (at Taka too) because I've been having a craving for donuts since seeing the queue at Raffles City Shopping Centre. There was no queue, just a lone salesgirl. Just imagine how excited I felt at not having to join a mile-long queue.

However, I was holding on to a 3.1kg laptop (a PINK one, might I add) and 4 slices of the most heavenly cake. So I asked the sales girl if I could put my stuff at the counter while I pick my donuts.

She stared at me blankly for a long while after I posed her that question. I thought that I'd asked her some difficult mathematical problem, which would explain the baffled look on the face. But being the nice, patient person I was, I asked her again.

Me: Can I leave my stuff with you while I put out the donuts?
Salesgirl: ... but if lost I am not responsible har.
Me: It's right in front of you. If I don't leave it with you, how am going to pick the donuts with my hands full?
Salesgirl: Oh! You want to buy donuts ah?

I admit that exasperation was finding its way into my voice then. Luckily, the woman finally understood. So, I (not-so)happily picked out my donuts. I discovered that they don't have as many variety as before and they have significantly decreased the amount they put out. Maybe they haven't been selling well since Donut Factory came along and snatched their market share.

Anyway, I asked if they had more of the cute little donuts that I love, the answer was a curt: Everything is out there already lor.

Fine! They're SGD$0.60 per tiny piece! Not exactly cheap okay!

Anyway, I bought 4 small ones and 2 big donuts and requested for a box. I was actually testing to see if she would give it to me, if she does, at least there was a fighting chance for Donut House.

She did not.

Salesgirl: You have to buy 5 big ones to get the box.
Me: But it's not stated anywhere on your store that there's such a rule.
Salesgirl: Ya, need to buy 5 big ones, otherwise no box.
Me: I bought 10 normal-sized donuts the last time I was here and you didn't offer me the box.
Salesgirl: You need to ask for the box what. Otherwise we don't give.
Me: That's very inconsistent of you isn't it?
Sale: You need to ask what, otherwise how we know you want?

By then I was fuming mad. There were other patrons when we had this exchange. I don't care if I came across as a shrewd. The point of this is that when I pay $0.60 for a bite-sized donut, I expect permium service. Not a part-timer student-staff telling me that it is my fault that I didn't ask for a box, next time, please be smarter and ask!

What happened to politeness? What happened to common courtesy? As far as I can see, the staff had zero training. When you put her on the floor and she treats your customer like dirt, you're pretty much going to lose all your business.

Donut House, beware. You already have a die-hard non-fan in me. No matter how chewy your bite-sized donut is, I am not going to buy from you!

Thursday, March 08, 2007 . 1:45 AM

If I worked 10 hours today I think I spent more than 60% of the time in meetings. Since when did my life become so meeting-driven? I have no idea and the worst thing is I don't think the situation will improve anytime soon.

I just wonder what will happen with my hectic work schedule when my intensive 2-week study starts. Work will definitely have to be on the back burner. I wonder if I can even take 2 weeks off!

Anyway I've been very brand conscious ever since I started this consumer behaviour module. No, I did not buy into the whole LV, Prada thing (although I'll love a Kata Spade, but that's coz I think they have real lovely, quirky designs!). Instead I am thinking about how brands work and how on earth Donut Factory generated the publicity. The queue for donuts is just ridiculous. I'm not queuing.

But eventually, I'll want to try and see what the hoo-ha is all about. Successful awareness campaign indeed. They've managed to incite curiosity, which leads to trial. Whether the consumers will adopt it into their lifestyle is another thing entirely. The real challenge would be after these 2 months, after the publicity dies down, can the dount craze still sustain itself? We'll see.

I only know that I'm craving for a nice, chewy, sinful Krispy Kreme...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 . 2:16 AM

Behold my new mobile everyone!

Yes, I got yet another pink item. After my pink laptop, my pink compact, pink iPod, here is the pink mobile to go with everything else I own. All I need now is pink hair.


I'm still hung up about losing my mobile. I still can't quite believe that it's gone forever and ever. My sister cursed the person who stole my mobile: may you fall into a drain and break a leg. Her pure evilness proves our kinship.

Anyway, SE Z610i works rather well for me. Although I was grumpy about losing my spanking new (and cool) Samsung, the pinkness of Z610i made me feel a little happier. I'll kill anyone who dares suggest that it looks like a toy.

It is NOT a toy.

I've always adored SE because there are so many themes I can download and customised. The camera doesn't seem too bad - except that I can't zoom if I wanna take photos, I have no idea why that is so.

Damn, I am boring myself with entries like these! Where's the excitement in my life?

Sunday, March 04, 2007 . 1:38 AM

I got the replacement SIM card today from Singtel so I'm once again connected to the world. Still missing everyone's contact no though. I think it's impossible to get all the contact details back.

I bought a new handset today. The SE Z610i. In pink.

But I miss my D900. Really I do. I missed its sleek form and beautiful contours. I missed how light it feels in my hand and its familiarity. Admittedly, it wasn't love at first sight for us. But, its functionality suited me.

True, I've complained about how difficult it is to type a message, but I didn't really dislike it.

Truth is, I've fallen under its spell some time back. A day with it makes me feel... lonely.

I want my D900 back.

Life is meaningless without it.

How sad that I've grown attached to a gadget, but I have...

Saturday, March 03, 2007 . 2:27 AM

I am upset. Very, very upset.

There is this empty space in my chest and this yearning in my soul.

Nothing can fill this void.

What happened? What happened!

I f*cking lost my mobile phone, that's what happened. Less than 4 hours ago, I was the proud owner of a Samsung D900. I never thought to part with it so soon. Yet fate beg to differ...

How I lost it is too long a story to repeat and I am in no mood to do so. Suffice to say, I am pissed with myself for losing a fantastic phone AND the darn mini SD card. I'm super unlucky. I'm cursed.

I just need my lovely D900 back. Someone give it back, please!