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Tuesday, January 30, 2007 . 3:56 PM

I watched an episode of Girls Out Loud last night and is currently super inspired to consult a doctor so I can get a new nose.

Am I serious? Yeah, I am. But before I do my nose, I need to do laser on my skin first. And before that I need to earn my consultation fees. National Skin Centre charges $69.30 for consultation with a Senior Consultant. and $10 for registration.

Can you imagine how much a private consultation will cost? Freaking hell... the price of beauty.

But I'll go do it, damn it! I need beautiful, tofu-like skin! Duh, who doesn't right?

Monday, January 29, 2007 . 10:49 PM

Boss just told me that he will be confirming me on Feb 13, eve of V-day. Just 2 months and he is confirming me. I have 2 theories:

1. He thinks I need the $$.
2. He is showing confidence in me so that I will have confidence in myself and hopefully, that translate into work and I'll be more driven to prove that he is right in thinking that I am capable.

If your question is why do I not think I'm capable, the reason is simple. I haven't clinched a deal on my own. Most of the jobs, either he passed it to me or the business came looking for me. Unless he thought I made contact with my old company and thus got the job. If that's the case, he is seriously wrong.

Anyways, that translates to both good and bad news for me.

Good because I get pay increment. Bad because there is more pressure to perform and I really need to buck up.

Basically now, the only exciting thing in my life is work-related. Everything else, school, social, family, sucks majorly. Don't ask why. It just does.

Sometimes I wish my life was a K-drama. Actually, K-dramas are way too tragic. Maybe a Taiwanese drama. Make it one of those nonsensical, adapted from managa ones. Those are happier. Oh and please, make me the main female lead. Then I get the cuties!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 . 11:40 PM

Tired... first, let me explain why I was missing in action for a while. Just in case, you know, you actually cared.

First, I've just been through the intensive module in school. Which means that I was at school 4 days a week for the last 2 weeks. And juggling a full time job. And having a jam-packed schedule cos the whole world wants to meet with me to discuss somethings. Sounds fun eh?

Honestly, I still don't know how I survived the last 2 weeks. I think I kinda shut my eyes and fast-forwarded every thing.

But everything has been happening in warp speed. I've got a new colleague - a very competent one, might I add. And a new PINK Song Vaio!!!

The pink Vaio is the highlight of course!

But when I got it, there was a huge drama where I actually deleted the operating system and crashed the whole thing... all this within like, 3 hours of getting my hands on the pink notebook. Yeah, I know, I'm a bimbo, an airhead. Jemy has been through this point with me so many times.

Did I mention what I ask at a Muslim Indian stall?

Uncle, is this halal?

Yup, I really said that. Jemy had a 'I don't know this girl' look on his face and Farand was just... actually, I don't know him well enough to hazard a guess, but I think he should be rather amazed by my airheadedness. Of course, I declared afterwards that I was just trying to get off doing so much work by pretending to be a bimbo to undermine my credibility. Don't think they believe me though.

There're actually a few topic I wanna blog about, especially how I want to own a car at 25... but let's leave it to the next blog shall we?

I'm tired...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 . 10:56 PM

My period must be on the way. Why else would I be feeling melancholic? I don't think downing gallons of coke helps too.

I had the most atrocious luck the day before. Seeing as how I'm feeling none too happy that school has re-started, the spate of bad luck really put a damper on my mood. So why don't I share the amusing horror story and if you've been unlucky as well, you can take perverse delight in my misfortune.

The story goes like this:

In order to reach school by 7pm, yours truly left work at 5.50pm... only to see the bus pulling away from the bus stop when I neared the bus stop. Thinking the maximum waiting to be 15-20 minutes, I settled down to wait. 15 minutes passed. Then 20. 25. 30.

At 6.25pm, I was feeling irritated and maligned. Nevertheless, being the little trooper that I am, I went over to the MRT station and attemped to take the train. After 7 minutes, the first train came.

It was fully packed. Unlucky me didn't manage to squeeze on. I guess I just ain't kiasu enough. The second train arrived 3 minutes later and I still couldn't get on. By now I blew my top. I think I had a right to be angry.

I waited almost an hour to leave OUTRAM, god damn it! Is it really that crowded? Where are all these people going on a Monday evening? Shouldn't they all be doing OT? I was so enraged that I swore out loud in the train station.

I know, I know, I should have been more in control, but who can stay calm in situations like that? Anyway, I had to take a cab to school. If I had to take a cab every time I go to school, I'll definitely be broke before the month is out.

I miss going out and getting smashed. Urgh, what am I saying? I need to abide by my no getting drunk resolution!

Sunday, January 07, 2007 . 12:42 AM

I guess it's not always possible to be a nice person no matter how much you want to be one.

If I am completely honest with myself, I really don't like the person I had been the past few months. I'm confused, lost and darned scared of feeling that way. I tried to bury those feelings so I don't have to face them, but pretending they don't exist didn't make them go away.

Perhaps it is time to admit to myself that I hate them. I really hate them both. One for being foolishly faithful and the other for not being faithful enough.

Perhaps it is time to admit that, no matter how hard I try, feelings can't be created. It can be developed, but it has to stem from something, a seed of attraction at least.

I am sorry, truly sorry for feeling the way I feel and for being the stubborn, selfish person that I am.

I can't say sorry enough. Sorry. So sorry.

Monday, January 01, 2007 . 2:08 AM

First day of 2007, I figured i ought to blog since I'm at home. Why I am at home is a real long story and I really don't want to get into a lengthy rant on the second hour of the new year. But let it be known that I'm rather disgruntled with someone.

I guess everyone would be listing resolutions for the coming year, but let's not jump onto the bandwagon. I've already done my action plan (for work) and my resolutions during my birthday, so let's talk about something else.

How about social pests? Imagine me with a manical gleam in my eyes now. I hate people who make a nuisance of themselves on the MRT. Just this Thursday, I've had the (mis)fortune to be on the same train with Singapore's most annoying foursome.

First, they were probably still in secondary school.

Second, the men, oops, sorry, I meant boys, were holding their gals' very frilly and feminine bags.

Third, one of the gals has to talk in such a loud voice that everyone in our cabin turned and looked at her whenever she spoke. Most of us shot her dirty looks. And that was before she started cussing. She almost drove me mad and I wanted so much to tell her to shut up.

But yeah, I didn't, and still don't, have the guts. Her beefcake of a boyfriend would probably flatten me in less than a second. Maybe here's where a boyfriend would come in handy... but only if your boyfriend is the bodybuilder type. Or if he isn't, he better be able to drive you around so you can avoid all these annoying pests.

The other type of people I hate (other than those aunties who insist on blocking the door when you want to exit the MRT, who refuses to give up their seats even when an eldery/pregnant person is so obviously in front of them and those men in suits who totally spoil their image when they fight for seats with the above-mentioned aunties) are those who give up their seats to me when I wear empire waistline dress/top or loose-fitting top.


That said, I hope everyone will enjoy the public transport this year. May we be free from social pests!